1. Use your pressure points
Tension headaches, which are those related to stress, are the most common form of headache, causing misery to those already feeling anxious or under pressure. “One of the major pressure points for relieving headaches is in the fleshy mound between your thumb and forefinger, where the two bones meet,” says Elaine Liechti of the Shiatsu Society (shiatsusociety.org ). “Make a pincer movement with your forefinger on that point and your thumb on the corresponding point on the other side of the hand and squeeze for a minute, and then do the same on the other hand. It’s often quite tender. The point is known as Large Intestine 4 – and is not to be used in pregnancy.”
2. Inhale lavender
We all know spritzing lavender on our pillow can help us sleep, but new research has shown that lavender oil can help treat headaches and migraines, too. One study published in the National Library of Medicine concluded that inhaling lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe way to relieve migraine pain. While another study published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine showed that after a three-month period, participants using lavender reported a reduction in the frequency and severity of their migraines. Try Odylique Organic Lavender Essential Oil, £8, from odylique.co.uk
3. Find your feet
If your head pain is in the temples, reflexologist Malini Sarkhel (livingmind.co.uk ) can help. “The spot on your foot that can help treat pain in the temporal area of your head is located between your big toe and your second toe, on the inside of your big toe,” Malini points out. “Massage that point by using your thumb to press and rub side-toside on this area. Start at the tip of your toe and work your way down. When you get to the base of your toe, place your thumb back at the top of your toe and repeat. If you are experiencing pain on the right side of your head, use the spot on your left foot. Similarly use the spot on your right foot to treat pain on the left side of your head.”
4. Increase your magnesium
Magnesium deficiencies can often cause headaches and migraines, and they’re actually a lot more common than you think. Studies now suggest that as many as one in every eight UK adults are deficient in this mineral. “Research has found that during a migraine or headache, the quantity of magnesium in the brain is temporarily reduced, which can be really problematic if we don’t have enough to begin with,” says Mina Khan, nutrition expert and founder of nutraceutical company, Formulate Health. Mina recommends eating plenty of wholegrains, fatty fish, banana, nuts, seeds and legumes. If you’d like to supplement, try adding in Formulate Health’s 100 percent natural High Strength Magnesium, formulatehealth.com
5. Drink ginger tea
Before you reach for the paracetamol, you might want to put the kettle on. According to nutritional proof expert and educator Liberty Mills, ginger tea, in powder form, has been found to have the same effect as many overthe- counter migraine-relief tablets. Drink up!
6. Cool your temples
Ever held a cold wet flannel to your headache-laden brow? Then this one’s for you. “As well as helping to rejuvenate skin, applying coolness to key pressure points such as the eye sockets, the temple, behind the ears, and the base of the skull can help reduce headaches and migraines, too,” says Trish Coulton, founder of bondi-body.com. Try Bondi’s Cryo Facial Sticks. Just pop them in the freezer to cool and then gently press the cold cryo sticks on pressure points where you hold your tension for up to 10 seconds, rotating between these points. Visit: bondi-body.com/product/ cryo-facial-sticks/
7. Listen to binaural beats
When you hear two tones, one in each ear, that are slightly different in frequency, your brain processes a beat at the difference of the frequencies. This is called a binaural beat. Your brain then, in an attempt to make sense of this, creates an illusion of a third beat. “Think of it as an optical illusion for the ears,” says Liberty. “This creates a sense of calm and relaxation, and with most headaches being stress-related, this is a free and non-invasive way to elevate a headache.”
8. Increase your vitamin D
Did you know, frequent headaches may be a sign that you’re vitamin D deficient? A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that people experiencing headaches – and specifically migraines – have lower vitamin D levels than ‘healthy’ people. If this sounds like you, increase your time spent outside in daylight, even in winter and try BetterYou’s Vitamin D3000 Oral Spray, £8.45, betteryou.com
9. Get your eyes tested
“If your eyes aren’t working too well together, that could cause headache symptoms,” says Dr Susan Blakeney from The College of Optometrists. “Try covering one eye, it doesn’t matter which, and see if your headache eases. If it does, that might indicate that the problem is caused by your eyes trying to work together. If you haven’t had a recent eye examination, I’d recommend you see your optometrist, especially if the headache follows being on the computer, driving or watching TV for a long spell.”
10. Massage your SCM
“You have a thick muscle down the side of your neck called the sternocleidomastoid muscle, or ‘SCM’,” says Elaine. “It runs from just behind your ear towards the front of your neck and is attached to your clavicles. Very often I find that the muscle gets quite tight in people who suffer from headaches. It’s the major muscle that turns your head from one side to the other. Find it by slowly turning your head – it’ll stand out – and gently massage the muscle all the way down from behind your ear to the front of your throat, addressing one side of your body at a time.”
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