The surprising buys you need to help your skin glow from within
If you want to boost your skin, put down that avocado and step away from the salmon, as sunflowers seeds have more vitamin E than either of them, or almonds, or even olive oil. 100g contains 176 percent of your daily recommended amount. This is important as vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants for your skin; it neutralises the oxidant effect of free radicals, which are molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles.
Wholefoods Sunflower Seeds, 50p, Asda
This tropical fruit has more vitamin C than kale, strawberries, spinach, broccoli, oranges and tomato, with two fruit (100g) containing almost 400 percent of your recommended daily amount. This is important as the vitamin helps us form collagen and elastin (essential to keep the skin looking plump, taut and young). It has a sweet flavour and you can either drink its juice or eat it raw. Or try blending the frozen pulp into a strawberry and mango smoothie.
Frozen Guava Pulp (delivered in insulated cartons), £5,
100g contains a massive 2,739 percent of your daily recommended amount of selenium. This forms antioxidants in the body to fight the free radicals which damage cells and lead to ageing. The mineral is also essential for your immune and thyroid function, but the nuts are high in sat fat, so limit your serving sizes.
SO Organic Brazil Nuts, £3.30, Sainsbury’s
There’s something fishy going on, as this oil has more omega 3 than flax seeds themselves, chia seeds, nuts, fish oil, or even fish itself. It’s great in a salad dressing but if you don’t like the taste, try applying it directly to your skin. Experts say the benefits include boosting a dull-looking complexion and softening the look of fine lines. Due to its anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, it could also reduce red skin and irritation, or improve acne, psoriasis, rosacea and eczema.
Biona Organic Cold-Pressed Flax Seed Oil, £5.99, Ocado
Do you eat lots of whole grains and beans? If so, you have double the risk of zinc deficiency, because these foods contain phytates which bind up minerals (including zinc) and prevent them from being absorbed. Soak your grains first (which neutralises the phytates to some extent) and eat oysters. 100g has 524 percent of your daily recommended amount of zinc (far more than chicken, chocolate, cashews or spinach).
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