Our guide to giving candida the marching orders and getting your mojo back!
Our guide to giving candida the marching orders and getting your mojo back!
Candidiasis, or overgrowth of the candida yeast(responsible for thrush), is bad news and has been linked to a range of chronic health problems. Every one of us has candida yeast in our body, yet if an overgrowth is triggered a downward spiral of ill health and vague,unpleasant symptoms. Suffers often complain of simply feeling ‘sick all over’, and fatigue, weight gain and bloating, headaches, anxiety, mental fogginess and depression can all be a result of this yeast going unchecked, so take action now to get your body back intip-top health.
1. Cut Out Sugar
Avoiding sugar in is one of the most important things you can do. “Sugar is very addictive and weaning yourself off sweet foods can be tough,”says Debbie Paddington, Higher Nature nutritionist.“Sugar substitutes such as fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)and xylitol which don’t feed candida can be useful. FOS is a prebiotic naturally sweet fibre found in raw vegetables such as artichoke and chicory.” It’s also important to avoid yeast or mold-containing foods like aged cheeses, breads and Marmite.
2. Banish Stress
It’s important to learn to truly relax, as stress is candida’s best friend. When stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol which can weaken your immune system and elevate blood sugar levels, and yeast feeds off sugar. Yoga is a fantastic for releasing tension and stress in the body. Also try acupuncture, cognitive behavioural therapy, aromatherapy and massage to give stress the heave-ho.
3. Take Supplements
“Like other candida-fighting supplements such as nystatin and caprylic acid, citrus seed extract is antifungal and discourages the growth of candida in the intestinal tract,and is highly effective,” says William G. Crook, author of Nature’s Own Candida Cure(£11.50, Alive Books).“Particularly recommended is Tricyclene, a product that combines grapefruit seed extract and the herbs artemesia.”
4. Healing Herbs
“The herbs thyme, oregano and rosemary have great anti-candida properties,”explains top medical herbalist Lucy Stephens (revaclinic.com ). “Tabebuia impetiginosa(also known as pau d’arco) has antimicrobial activity against a wide variety of fungi including candida and can be used topically or orally, as does garlic thanks to the compound allicin. Also, propolis, a resin collected by bees from leaf buds, is very anti-fungal and is particularly useful for oral candidiasis– buy it as a tincture and take a couple of drops daily.”
5. Ayurvedic Approach
“In ayurveda, candida is a condition with excess ama (toxins) and a weakened immune system, with predominantly pitta and kapha doshas being involved,”explains renowned ayurvedic expert, Dr Deepa Apté.“The main aim of treatment is to get rid of toxins by stimulating the digestive fire, strengthen the immune system and pacifying pitta and kapha dosha. Eat mainly cooked foods as this helps to strengthen the fire. Concentrating on bitter and astringent tastes is also beneficial.
“Avoid faulty food combinations like fruit and yoghurt, meat and dairy and beans and cheese,” she explains. “Grated ginger before every meal strengthens the digestive fire, and turmeric is also very good due to its blood-cleansing, antifungal properties. The herb pippali (long pepper) helps get rid of toxins and strengthens the immune system,and neem is useful for getting rid of excess pitta and kapha so therefore targets fluid retention and tiredness. Also, kapalabhati as a breathing exercise is useful, along with sun salutations.”
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