The UK’s leading Taoist master on how to bring love into your life
The UK’s leading Taoist master on how to bring love into your life
There’s no love quite like new love. For though it may be fraught with anxiety and butterflies, it’s the best drug ever invented for making you feel full of life and wonder. In fact it’s very much on account of an innate addiction to anxiety and butterflies that you are drawn to the experience in the first place.
But it is a drug. And like all drugs it only takes you part of the way, but you have to do the rest yourself, eventually relinquishing the drug altogether – no medicine can be effective forever in other words.
Being in love hopefully transforms into real love and something blossoms that has a chance to prevail. And therein lies the key to manifesting new love in your life.
If you can look to the source of all satisfaction, fulfillment and reward, that same satisfaction, fulfillment and reward you are drawn to seek in new love, and find its wellspring within, if you can source your joy and glee from the simple yet unfathomably miraculous fact of being alive and as a result be falling ever more deeply in love with life, you’ll institute a natural resonance with the spirit of in-loveness.
And that is precisely what’s required to magnetise your lover out of the ether and into real flesh, blood and other fluids life. Now I’m going to show you, via six steps, exactly how:
1. Return to source
Sit down, close your eyes and relax everything. Drop your shoulders, elongate your spine at the back of the neck, soften your face, throat, soften your face, throat, chest, upper belly, lower belly and pelvic floor. Let your limbs go heavy and sink all your weight into the lower part of your body and legs. Breathe slowly and luxuriantly.
Draw your mental vantage point back into the mid-brain region and gaze for a moment into the centre of a soothing dark void. Into the centre of the void, project in 3D Technicolor flashing neon the word: fulfillment. Watch it flash on and off six times. Then do the same with satisfaction. And finally with joy. Repeat this at least three times a day for at least three days and you’ll start noticing yourself feeling more complete and wholesome.
2. Fall in love with life
Make it a discipline to spend the rest of the time for the next three days, conscious of mentally saying “I love you” whenever you think of, see, or interact in any way with anyone or anything, until you’re saying “I love you” pretty constantly all the time.
During the three days of repeating this you’ll notice a palpable transformation for the better in moods, attitudes and actual events going on around you.
3. Taking stock
Spend a little while with a pencil and pad making a list of every single thing you have to offer that you’re willing to share, from the smallest to the largest and from the most material to the most abstract.
In other words this needs to be the list of benefits someone will enjoy by being up close and personal with you. This list needs to comprise a minimum of 99 items.
4. Reach out from your heart and soul
The idea is to reinforce your sense of completeness as you are and allow that to resonate throughout the ether
Return to the meditative state suggested in step one and pay special attention to softening across your chest and visualising two sliding doors open in your breastbone to reveal your beating, loving heart.
Now, bearing in mind that although you don’t know the identity of whoever destiny has chosen as your new lover or partner, this doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
And in fact they must exist or otherwise you wouldn’t be able to manifest them – you’re not powerful enough to create a human from scratch yet.
And not only do they exist, but they’re also moving about on the planet, probably somewhere relatively nearby, with an equal amount of yearning in their heart for you as you have for them.
From a totally centered state, reach out from your heart and soul to the heart and soul of whoever it is, even though you don’t know their identity. Reach out transpersonally and tell them in your own words that you’re ready for them to come into your life now.
Tell them this three times sincerely. Then read the items on the list one by one (with feeling) and at the end tell them this is what you have to share with them.
Finally, open your arms in a wide-open embrace posture and tell them they’re fully welcome to come now – repeat this three times. And then relax and return to the everyday state.
5. Make a gesture
Make a gesture to the universe by way of indicating you’re clearing space for the new to come into your life. It can be something as prosaic as clearing out an old wardrobe or cupboard, or something as dramatic or lyrical as you like.
Then make a second gesture by way of signaling your readiness for celebration and joy. This can be procuring new party clothes, products or decorating your space – something to imply a willingness to receive life’s gifts and blessings.
6. Voluntary temporary amnesia
Having performed the ritual, the next essential step is to let go of all of it – forget all about it and return your attention fully to being in love with life as it is right now.
Otherwise, you’d be signaling to life that there was some kind of lack that needed redressing and all life would give you in return would be a new reality that had something seriously lacking in it.
So the idea now is to reinforce your sense of completeness as you are and allow that to resonate throughout the ether, enabling the subtle signals you’ve been sending to make their connection in all the right places. And within approximately 30 days or so – but there’s no calculating destiny – your new lover or partner will waltz right into your life as if by sheer magic, which in fact was exactly what this was.
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Barefoot Doctor
Tao Master
Barefoot Doctor is a leading tao master and has written numerous books including the cult classic Handbook for the Urban Warrior. His latest book is called The Man Who Drove...
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Article by
Barefoot Doctor
Tao Master
Barefoot Doctor is a leading tao master and has written numerous books including the cult classic Handbook for the Urban Warrior. His latest book is called The Man Who Drove...
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