Are you eating healthier (most of the time), exercising often – but still not seeing the weight fall off in the way you hoped? When you feel like you’re doing all the right things, it’s frustrating not to see the results of your labour when you step on the scales. Here are seven weight loss myths that could be holding you back:
Myth 1: The scales don’t lie
Wrong – the fact is scales can be deceiving because they don’t take into account changing fat:muscle ratios. If you’re doing more exercise and cutting back on unhealthy, processed high-sugar foods, waist not weight is a better measure. This is because muscle weighs more than fat. Also the amount of water and fibre you have on board can also affect your weight. Which means that a looser waistband counts for more than a drop in weight on scales. So go by how your clothes feel rather than what the scales say.
Myth 2: I just need to find the right diet
There is a school of thought that people’s individual metabolisms respond differently to food. But the evidence is limited on this one at the moment. The truth is quick-fix diets don’t work. Instead, it takes time, hard work and a change in your habits and mindset. At VavistaLife we believe the only diet that works is to listen to your body – and stick to a balanced diet of real rather than processed food.
Myth 3: Exercise isn’t helping
It’s true that exercise doesn’t burn off as many calories as we assume. And if you ‘reward’ your efforts with calorie-laden snacks you could be consuming more calories than you burn.But don’t stop exercising because it’s great for mood and concentration and keeping anxiety down – exactly what you need to stick to your weight loss plan. What’s more the muscle you build through exercise increases your metabolism so you burn more calories, even when you’re not working out. Not to mention making your body look more shapely and toned.
So cut back on those post-workout snacks. And make your exercise even more effective by adding in resistance exercises/strength training to cardio workouts.
Myth 4: Staying busy helps me lose weight
Not if you’re stressed. We tend to reach for fatty and sugary foods when we’re stressed because they trigger reward centres in the brain that make us feel better. What’s more, the stress hormone cortisol encourages weight gain around our waist, which is very bad for our health. When time is short we also tend to be less mindful of our eating. So in fact in many cases the answer can be to slow down.
Myth 5: Small things don’t signify
It’s easy to hoover up the left overs on the kids’ plates or grab a morsel of cheese on passing the fridge. But don’t forget these calories count too! Make sure every morsel you eat is a conscious decision – to be savoured and enjoyed. Try to sit down every time you eat to ensure you appreciate every calorie properly. You will feel more full – and be more aware.
Myth 7: If it’s healthy, it’s OK
It’s easy to think that just because a food is healthy you can eat as much as you like. But you can have too much of a good thing. You’re less likely to overdo it with healthy food because it helps regulate your appetite – but portion control should apply whatever you’re eating.
So don’t give up yet. Bust some of these common weight loss myths and your waist will thank you for it. All good news for a slimmer and healthier you
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Lynne Franks
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