Making one small change in your day, can lead to big results for your health and happiness
1. Find Your Flow
What is the key to living a long and happy life? According to Maggy Pigott, author of How to Age Joyfully (VIE Press, £12.99), it is finding your creative flow. “This occurs when a person is physically or mentally challenged while they are doing something they enjoy, like painting or dancing,” says Maggy. Once you are ‘in the zone’, you lose a sense of self and time, increasing your productivity and learning.
2. Put Yourself First
When was the last time you put yourself first? We have so many commitments to family, work and friends that it can be hard to create a space for ourselves, but it’s important that you do. “This could involve choosing to see the film you want to watch or eating at your favourite restaurant, or maybe just taking half an hour to read a book,” says Debbi Macro, author of You’re Amazing (£9.99, Summersdale). Whatever it is that you would like to do, make sure you find some time to do it. You’ll be amazed by how it can re-energise you and make you feel a whole lot younger.
3. Take a deep breath
Studies suggest that 20 minutes of yoga breathing can lift your mood and even improve your memory. Try this alternate-nostril technique: Make an ‘L’ with your right thumb and first finger; take a deep breath; press the right side of your nose with your thumb to block your right nostril; exhale; inhale through your left nostril; block your left nostril and release the right; exhale; inhale. Switch sides; repeat.
4. Get Digging
Think of your body as a finely tuned engine. If you don’t put in good quality fuel, then you’re not going to be operating at your most efficient levels. If you’re someone who often skips the fruit and vegetable aisle, one study, by Michigan State University, found that adults who garden were more likely to eat veggies than those who didn’t. On top of that, other research shows that green-fingered people are generally happier and healthier. So go on, get your hands dirty.
5. Plan De Vida
When life feels unsettled, it’s easy to hunker down and wait for it to pass. However, according to the National Geographic Society, waking up with a purpose can add up to seven years to your life expectancy. So find a local charity that needs some help and commit some of your time. You’ll be amazed at all the inspirational people you meet and you’ll quickly discover that you are one of those inspirational people too – win-win!
6. Treat Your Feet
It’s easy to take our feet for granted; we use them every day but how often do you really look after them? You don’t need an expensive spa treatment to take care of your tootsies. Spending just a few minutes a day on foot care and choosing the right shoes can keep you free of problems that may lead to future pain and discomfort.
7. Try Something New
Have you always wanted to try a new hobby like dancing, painting or photography? Active learning exercises your brain and research has shown there is a link between continued creativity and successful ageing, as it encourages motivation, develops problem-solving skills, and fosters a sense of competence, purpose and growth. Do whatever you enjoy or have a go at something you’ve never attempted before. You may find you surprise yourself.
8. Look at the Stars
Self-care is about so much more than bubble baths, and it all begins with gratitude. So why not take a moment to look at the night sky and give thanks for what you already have. It is a practice that reminds you to think about the positive things in your life while giving you a sense of purpose. Having daily gratitude practices can also significantly improve your mental health – and isn’t that what self-care is all about?
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Refresh Yourself
Discover how a few simple lifestyle changes can make all the difference