Hone your psychic skills and find guidance to make the right life choices with these DIY exercises from top spiritual development guru Richard Lawrence
Hone your psychic skills and find guidance to make the right life choices with these DIY exercises from top spiritual development guru Richard Lawrence
We are all spiritual beings with the potential to unlock our psychic powers should we choose to do so. Psychic powers are not necessarily a good thing – what makes them good is to use them in service.
If it was just about bending spoons, guessing playing cards or telling people their so-called fortune, then I for one would simply not be interested. In reality it is about guiding yourself and others to make the right life choices; healing yourself and others of mental and physical conditions; improving the atmosphere and environment around you; helping you to discover true spirituality in your life; and, above all, giving service to others.
Liberating force
You will be amazed at what you can become if you tap into the unlimited potential which lies within you
Service is the key that is missing from so many self-help and personal development programmes – and yet without it none of them can work in the long term. Self-help is a good thing, but selfless help is even better.
This, after all, is the essence of the very misunderstood but totally liberating force that we call karma. As the saying goes, what goes around comes around.
Psychic and spiritual development affects every aspect of our lives. It is not just a momentary experience while we are practising a few exercises, but something which enhances 24 hours of every day.
Whether at home, at work, outdoors, indoors, alone or in company, you will be amazed at what you can become if you tap into the unlimited potential which lies within you. Some of the benefits are healing ability, the power of intuition, a more dynamic presence, better powers of concentration, improved memory, personal protection and a finer attunement to people, animals and even nature.
The following is a simple series of exercises which can be safely used to get started in your spiritual development, even if you spend only a few minutes at a time on one or more of them.
Psychic skill 1
Practise stillness
According to a Taoist ideal: to the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders. I have been amazed at what a difference it can make to spend some time every day in stillness, not just in body but also in mind. Try the following exercise:
Be seated on a hardback chair with your spine straight, your head tilted slightly back on the neck and the eyes closed. If there is any tension in the upper part of your body you can remove this by gently moving the neck and shoulders to and fro and allowing them to settle into a more relaxed position.
Start to breathe as deeply as you can without any strain, being sure to keep the inbreath and the out-breath as equal as possible. If necessary, you can use a mental count to achieve this by ensuring that it is the same number for the in and out-breaths. Yoga philosophy teaches that the deeper you breathe the deeper you think, and that a balanced rhythm of in and outbreaths helps to achieve self-control and inner harmony.
“You will be amazed at what you can become if you tap into the unlimited potential that lies within you”
Psychic skill 2
Energy visualisation
Try this exercise to boost depleted energy and tap into your psychic centres.
Seated with the spine straight, place your right hand flat against the stomach, just above the navel, and your left hand on top of the right.
Your hands are now in the correct position for you to charge your solar plexus chakra with energy through the chakras in the palms of your hands. These chakras or psychic centres exist in the aura or etheric body which surrounds the physical body.
Visualise white light coming down through your head, neck and shoulders, your arms and through the palms of your hands into the psychic centre upon which you have placed them. White is used in this visualisation because it contains all the colours of the spectrum within it.
When you have finished, pass your hands across each other, palm to palm, once, to stop the flow of energy. You may feel heat in the palms of your hands and the stomach area, or a tingling sensation around the head and upper body. If so, these are the effects of the healing energy interacting with your own aura and psychic centres.
Psychic skill 3
Healing others
One of the most beneficial practices that anyone can perform is to give healing over a distance to others. When you do this, always visualise the person to whom you are sending healing as being in robust health and surrounded by white light, even if you know them to be severely ill. You can sit or preferably stand while you do this practice. You should remove any rings, bracelets or a watch you may be wearing since these can inhibit the flow of healing energy through you. Close your eyes and raise your arms by your sides, bent at the elbows, with the palms facing forwards. Then make a mental request or prayer for the energy to flow through you to one or more people, leaving a considerable gap between each person. Visualise the white light flowing through you to each person with a feeling of love and compassion. When you have finished sending healing to them all, pass your hands once across each other as in the previous exercise to stop the flow of energy. I would recommend, wherever possible, that before sending healing to people it is best to gain permission from them.
Psychic skill 4
Dynamic prayer
Dynamic prayer is a procedure for sending spiritual energy to others and thereby bringing positive change. It will also benefit you because, to quote the French prayer written in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi: it is in giving that one receives. The more positive energy you send out the more will come back to you. Prayer will also enhance your own psychic and spiritual development. You simply adopt the posture used in the previous exercise for healing others and visualise white light flowing out through the palms of the hands. You should also visualise this light flowing out through your heart chakra, a psychic centre located in the aura in a central position opposite the point at which the breast bones meet. The choice of prayers you can use is immense. The following, for example, is an excerpt from a prayer for animals composed by my wife, Alyson, and published in Prayer Energy, a book I co-authored with Mark Bennett:
Oh Divine and Wondrous Creator, Thou which art behind all things, I ask to be used as a channel For Thy Divine Power To flow in a stream of radiant Light To the animal kingdom Which has been so greatly abused by man. My heart is filled with love for God’s creatures
Who are part of the abundance of manifestation, Part of the Oneness of all Life. May these ones be filled With Thy warmth and Thy Love So that they may live their lives Free from any suffering inflicted upon them By the cruelty of human beings.
Psychic skill 5
One exercise that you can do when you are alone, walking down a road, travelling on a bus or a plane, almost anywhere at any time is to silently recite an affirmation.
A correctly balanced positive suggestion has proven benefits to your health, confidence, vitality and general wellbeing. The following affirmation taught by the founder of the Aetherius Society, Dr George King, can work wonders in your life if you practise it with conviction because it will feed your sub-conscious mind with a statement of your own unlimited potential.
Repeat the following:
“I am the divine presence which is creating perfection throughout my whole life.”