Yoga devotee Claudine Deasy reviews a candle light class
Yoga fanatic Claudine Deasy reviews a candle light class
After a decade of attending various yoga classes, I was searching for a class which could not only improve my physical core strength but one that could leave me feeling more connected on a soul level both during the class but also outside of it too. I had already heard positive feedback about Lucia Chinnery’s candle light yoga and her class lived up to my many requirements.
In a nutshell, the class is an intention for members to experience ‘self-nurturing’ and ‘self-love’. The first evening I attended, there was a full moon outside, its luminosity spilling into a candle lit room. We stretched, and held poses as in all yoga classes, however the energy of Lucia as an instructor is wholly caring. Key moments were when she invited us to stretch to open our hearts. It felt very freeing and unburdening of any heart issues. Lucia’s class is the equivalent of allowing yourself to relax and let go in a candlelit bath. To give some sacred time to yourself and as a result this puts you into a peaceful ‘at one’ frame of mind. As we lie down for the final meditation at the end of the class, Lucia comes to each individual providing a gentle head massage with eucalyptus oil. Days later, memories both in my body and mind were reliving the positive effects of this gentle but strong yoga class.
I was curious to find out more about Lucia and her overall approach to the instruction and energy she inputs into her classes Lucia explains, ‘Yoga is the gentlest loving experience you can do for yourself. When we give to ourselves we are naturally giving to others. During my first yoga class I cried. Yoga releases emotions especially in the chest opening exercises that we do. I want people to come to my classes and to leave with something substantial as well as experiencing relaxation and a great stretch. To leave with something that is going to move them and bring them to their true selves.
When we practice yoga we are very present, but afterwards our brain is operating on a completely different level. There is a sense of clarity and consciousness about what we do. And that’s what I love about yoga. It sharpens our senses so we can enjoy the present moment and everything in life. Food tastes differently and colours seem brighter. It really is such a different relationship with ourselves. In my class you will see it’s not about pushing or straining. It’s a space where I like to give my clients permission to love themselves and to reconnect.”
This is one holy grail of yoga classes for those new to yoga and those who are experienced.
For more information about Candle light yoga with Lucia Chinnery please visit Evolve Wellness Centre, South Kensington, London. Classes start: 24th October 2013
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