Our columnist encourages us to sow the seeds of self-love this Valentine’s day by celebrating our own unique virtues
February has become the month where, thanks to the greeting card industry, and the medieval priest, St. Valentine, we can go into a major funk of insecurities and depression. The idea of just one day a year when we can receive a card and flowers telling us we are loved is, of course, ludicrous.
I remember, as a teenager, sitting by the letterbox willing an anonymous Valentine’s card to arrive on February 14th and feeling terrible about myself if one didn’t arrive.
As we get older, it becomes obvious that to be truly loved, we have to love too, and that must start with ourselves! Easier said than done, but one of the advantages of age and wisdom is appreciating our special qualities. If not now, when?
How many of you, like me, are amazed at how beautiful our younger selves looked in old photographs? I was going through boxes of ancient pictures recently and realised how I hadn’t appreciated at all how naturally lovely I looked as a young woman, and had, in fact, been full of insecurities.
Every one of us is beautiful inside and out and I believe it is crucial to appreciate and feel that at our deepest level. It is important to view ourselves with a ‘lover’s eye’ rather than as a ‘critic.’
According to historic references, Valentine’s day origins were pagan and taken over by the Catholic Church in an effort to ‘Christianise’ the celebration of Lupercalia, a fertility festival dedicated to the Roman gods of agriculture.
Having read a lot about the Romans’ activities in erasing feminine power by changing myths and spiritual beliefs, I suspect the origin of the day is actually based on the sacred feminine and the planting of seeds to create food – always the responsibility of the mothers and grandmothers. Which is why I have chosen February to launch my new season of Power of Seven retreats, where an intimate circle of women will gather at my SEED Hub in Somerset to plant the seeds for the next period of their lives.
Some of my best Valentines days were spent when I was running ‘One Billion Rising’ in the UK, under the leadership of Eve Ensler, the writer of Vagina Monologues . Eve has created a world-wide movement where all over the planet on February 14 (or V-Day, as Eve calls it) her global team individually and collectively create enormous events to raise of the sexual abuse of women and girls.
My experiences included one February 14th running a big event in a very rainy Trafalgar Square with musicians, women politicians and activists singing and speaking of their own experiences of sexual abuse, and that of others.
This was my life purpose and journey for several years – and it gave a completely other dimension to February 14th. This Valentine’s day, why not write yourself a letter of admiration, regardless of whether you have a partner or not? You could make a beautiful card to write it in, or keep it simple – whatever is going to inspire you to do it. Acknowledge all the wonderful, unique gifts you possess in every way. Celebrate your courage, your compassion, your integrity, your creativity, your beauty, your zest for life and your truth.
To learn more about Lynne Franks’ Power of Seven Women’s Leadership Retreats throughout 2020, starting this February 20th – 22nd, visit hubatno3.com
Article by
Lynne Franks
Author, Entrepreneur, Broadcaster and Lifestyle Guru
is an acclaimed author, entrepreneur, broadcaster and lifestyle guru
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Article by
Lynne Franks
Author, Entrepreneur, Broadcaster and Lifestyle Guru
is an acclaimed author, entrepreneur, broadcaster and lifestyle guru
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