Life coach Jason Firmager reveals how you can make your dream a reality
Somewhere, inside all of us, is a dream waiting to be realised.
When we think back to our childhood, we had so many dreams. We dreamt of we wanted to do when we grew up, perhaps the business we were going to build, the castles we’d live in, the unicorns we’d ride, or the amazing things we were going to achieve and the person we were going to become. Somehow, somewhere along the line, many of us lose sight of that magical ability to dream and the self-belief to turn those dreams into reality.
It’s never too late to take your dreams and make them happen. If there was one person who knew how to engineer a fairy tale ending, it was Walt Disney. Walt Disney was a dreamer…. but he was also a realist and a critic. He had a secret process for bringing dreams to life on screen and he knew we need the dreamer, the critic and the realist in us to come together to realise our dreams on a practical level.
Here’s how you can use Disney’s method to create your own fairy tale ending:
Step 1: Take three pieces of paper. On piece write the word ‘dreamer’ on it, on the second, write ‘realist’, and on the third, the word ‘critic’.
Step 2: Place the pieces of paper on the floor from left to right in order of critic, realist and then dreamer.
Step 3: Stand on the paper with the word dreamer and say your dream aloud. When you are in the dreamer role, ask questions that help describing ideas and refine your thoughts.
What do I want?
What is the solution?
How do we imagine the solution?
What are the benefits of applying this solution?
Step 4: Now, stand on the critic paper and try to find the flaws in the dream.
What could be wrong with the idea?
What is missing?
Why can’t we apply it?
What are the weaknesses in the plan?
Step 5: Stand on the realist paper and say aloud how you can over come the critic’s comments to achieve your dream.
How can we apply this idea in reality?
What is the action plan to apply the idea?
What is the timeline to apply this idea?
How to evaluate the idea?
Step 6: Continue this cycle until you have the perfect plan that incorporates the dream/vision, the potential risks and flaws, and a constructive plan on how to overcome them and achieve your dream.
Don’t be too discouraged by setbacks. Even Walt Disney didn’t achieve his dreams overnight. In fact, he was once fired from a local newspaper for not being creative enough! What would have happened if he had given up on his dreams? The next time you feel challenged or disillusioned in the pursuit of your dreams think like Disney and create your own fairy tale ending.
Jason Firmager is a h ypnotherapist, life coach and NLP practitioner. For more information visit
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