Give winter bugs the boot with these immunity-boosting bites, says nutritionist Louise Pyne
We’re not quite out of sniffle season yet, but It’s not all bad news – changing up your diet is one of the best ways to sidestep sickness and stay happy and healthy all season long. Fuelling your body with the right nutrients will build up your body’s defence system to help offset pesky ailments like colds and flu. To get you started, check out these foods to effectively promote immunity for the months ahead.
The importance of berries for overall wellbeing can’t be understated. These little purple powerhouses contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which increase your body’s production of natural killer cells – these keep your immunity high and risk of illness low. According to a study by researchers at Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, blueberries also contain a compound called pterostilbene, which works in synergy with vitamin D. Together, this duo impacts the expression of a gene called CAMP, which is involved in boosting immune function. Add blueberries to smoothie bowls, overnight oats and fruit salads to gain their nutrients.
Ginger is one of those warming winter spices we just can’t get enough of on cold, blustery days. Better still, this zingy ingredient is a proven immunity-booster thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredient is gingerol, an antioxidant which helps to ward off illness. Next time you start to feel under the weather, whip up a ginger shot to give your body a concentrated dose of nutrients – juice fresh ginger root, then add a squeeze of lemon and a spoonful of Manuka honey.
The smell of pineapple brings back memories of days spent in the sunshine, and research also shows that the fruit can turbocharge immunity. A study by the Women’s University School of Nutrition found that eating half a cup of pineapple every day for two months helped boost your defences.
The health of your gut reflects the state of your immunity. Probiotics, the good bacteria found in foods like unflavoured yoghurt, help our guts run smoothly by making sure we have a higher ratio of beneficial bacteria to bad bacteria. Eat yoghurt with fruit as a snack or add a couple of tablespoons to smoothies to get your friendly bacteria fix.
With more vitamin C than oranges, this hero fruit is a powerful immunity booster, and it contains flavonoids which help to keep our skin clear. Add chopped strawberries to oats or homemade muesli to get a dose of this essential vitamin.
Pumpkin seeds
Zinc is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to your immunity, and pumpkin seeds are full of this micronutrient. It’s thought that the mineral helps to fend off infection by lowering inflammation, cutting the risk of illness. Interestingly, studies show that zinc helps to reduce the severity of the common cold and shorten its duration.
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