Free downloads
Our free special downloads are full of expert advice and inspiring ideas
Anti-Age Your Brain
what’s inside?- Find out the best anti-ageing foods
- Discover the key vitamins responsible for keeping you young
- How panicking can erode your memory
Melissa H interview
what’s inside?- Tips for eating and living with the seasons
- How to make every meal waste-free
- The power of home-cooking
6 Eco Tools You Should Invest In
what’s inside?- Find out the best way to file your nails
- The key players in a eco-skincare kit
- How body-brushing can boost your mood
50+ Ideas for a Feel Good Christmas
what’s inside?- This download is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader so you can shop directly
- Make this Christmas a special one with 50+ inspiring ideas
- Wellness guides to keep you happy and healthy over the festivities
Kate Arnell Interview
what’s inside?- How to make eco-friendly parenting choices
- Tips and tricks for sustainable living
- Living waste-free when you’re stuck at home
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Nutrition: Recipes from the Middle East
Discover how a few simple lifestyle changes can make all the difference