I’m lucky enough to own something known as a crystal bed, yes really! It is a piece of equipment that I first discovered in Brazil and fell in love with. As you lay underneath the seven flashing, coloured crystals, all corresponding to the different chakra centres, you can experience a deep sense of peace. Balanced chakras can improve our qi (our energy), provide a protective field around us and even provide a first line of communication with the outside world, but in the absence of a crystal bed carried back from Brazil, how can we achieve this balance ourselves? The good news is there are lots of ways and some of my favourites are: visualisation and meditation; yoga; crystals; sound healing and essential oils. Try my ritual below to connect with your chakras and improve your qi.
Balance your chakras with essential oils
Chakra-balancing is not unlike acupuncture, but in the chakra system the energy is focused on seven energy centres. One of the things I regularly add when I’m using my crystal bed is essential oils; I feel the sense of smell helps connect us to the past, but also, because the oil molecules travel in the air, I find them quite cosmic. I always feel like they are a bridge between past and present. Try this ritual at home to help stimulate your qi and align your chakras. Please just remember, these are powerful oils on a sensitive area so always use a base oil.
Using the table to the right, anoint each of your chakras with a complimentary oil and make a note of which colours relate to each chakra. You’ll need this for your visualisation. Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, close your eyes and focus on each chakra point in turn, starting with the base and working your way up to the crown. With each chakra, spend time visualising the corresponding colour. You may even begin to see colours behind your eyes, but don’t worry if you don’t. Breathe deeply and evenly, and tune into any emotions or physical feelings that arise. Do not judge or attach meaning to any thoughts or feelings, simply bring your attention to the chakra and allow the energy to dissipate or collect before moving onto the next when it feels right to. Enjoy the exploration.
Chakra one (base): pine, clove, cinnamon
Chakra two (lower tummy) : spruce, ylang ylang, geranium, clary sage
Chakra three (solar plexus): marjoram, basil, rosemary
Chakra four (heart): rose, lavender , geranium
Chakra five (throat): clary sage, fir, petitgrain
Chakra six (third eye): peppermint, German chamomile
Chakra seven (crown): white, pine, laurel, frankincense
Emma Cannon is an integrated women’s health expert, registered acupuncturist and author. Check out more of Emma’s fantastic work at emmacannon.co.uk
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