There’s so much conflicting advice out there when it comes to staying healthy – here top wellbeing consultant Liz Tucker debunks some of the worst offenders!
There’s so much conflicting advice out there when it comes to staying healthy – here top wellbeing consultant Liz Tucker debunks some of the worst offenders!
We all seem to crave a balanced, happy medium where things like weight, health, money, time and those annoying everyday irritations all become manageable. In reality. life is a much more bumpy ‘all or nothing’ affair where we reach breaking point then bounce from big positive life-changing urges to feeling that we just can’t be bothered – all in the space of a week! Often in the new year we follow and fail the same impossible-to-keep health resolutions. How we long for a healthier, happier life but by the end of the month its back in the same old routine. So if your new year needs a new approach, check out our nine myth-busting health-motivating steps devised to help you swap your current mindset to a healthier way of thinking.
We have focused on the three biggest new you stumbling blocks – motivation, lifestyle and diet. It’s time to forget new year resolution flops, from now on any time is a good time to transform a ‘new you’ into an ‘always you’.
If at first you don’t succeed
Give up try-try-trying again – if you are stuck in the same repetitive cycle where initial enthusiasm results in the same negative outcome it’s time for a new mantra.
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If at first you don’t succeed – try it another way. If it didn’t work the first time there is a very good reason. Address this and it’s much easier to move on.
They’re right behind you
Who wants a new you? – be honest, does everyone that matters really want change? Even those closest to you can be secret saboteurs and that includes you. Changing your life for the better should be a no-brainer but you do need to have a convincing argument to justify all that effort. Your nearest and dearest may love you the way you are and those less close could resent your success.
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Don’t let the world know but get the help and support from those that matter. Give them reassurance it will make their life better and for you self-saboteurs out there, address what you will lose but focus on what you will gain.
Ignore your cravings
Give into cravings – cravings are there for a very good reason but we automatically tend to feed them. Basically a craving is telling us we have a deficiency and the two most common cravings are for happiness and energy. Lack either of these in your life and our brain will demand a quick-fix from any stimulant such as alcohol, sugar or smoking.
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Find a healthier way to feed your cravings so have some fun, do something active or eat slow energy releasers like wholegrains, bananas or seeds. Do this regularly and the cravings could go completely.
Quick fix diets work
Rethink low fat and calorie diets – yes you need to watch your intake but crash dieting is rarely sustainable and are often nutritionally poor. Our body needs calories for energy and a rich intake of nutrition which includes healthy essential fatty acids.
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Think nutritionally dense, for example foods that have a high nutritional content. These are easy to select as they are natural ingredients such as vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish. Beware empty calories most likely found in highly processed or refined foods – lots of calories but little other nutrition.
Living healthily is hard work
Many people think healthy lifestyles involve a lot more work – all that extra cooking and exercising when life is busy enough already. But living healthier can make life so much easier; for a start it makes you feel so much better.
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Think small not big changes so for example when you shop select more natural ingredients, monitor your activity with a simple step meter or trim your portion sizes.
Eating healthily is dull
We hate it when the sky is grey but often our plates are just nothing but dullness. The plants we eat are full of colour, lots of bright reds, greens and purples. These colours contain nutritional musthaves AFCs (active food chemicals) such as flavonols, phytosterols and carotenoids. Basically the more plant-based foods we eat, the healthier our diet so forget rigid diets, it’s easy to fill your plate with colour.
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Look at the ratio of vegetables you eat compared to other food. At least a third of your plate should be coloured vegetables, or half if you want to lose weight.
Here are a couple of our favourite quick and easy recipes to help you eliminate toxins and boost your health levels this year
2g (approx 1/2 teaspoon) matcha
1/2 apple • 1/4 stick celery • 2 sprigs mint
1/2 banana • 1/2 pear
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend – delicious.
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Make good use of grating for this salad which makes it easier to get more in so you’re fuller for longer!
1 medium courgette
1 small red onion
1 carrot
1 cup of pumpkin
1 avocado
1 small red pepper
2 dessert spoons of sauerkraut
1 teaspoon of avocado or olive oil
1 dessertspoon of dulse or other sea vegetables
1 pinch of paprika
Grate the courgette, pumpkin and carrot. Finely dice the red onion, pepper and avocado. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix. Serve with romaine lettuce as rollups topped on to portabello mushrooms or as a main meal.
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Article by
Liz Tucker
Well-being Consultant
Article by
Liz Tucker
Well-being Consultant