Spiritual author Gabby Bernstein reveals how changing your perception on life can have a big impact on your wellbeing
Gabby Bernstein is a number one New York Times bestselling author, international speaker and self proclaimed ‘spirit junkie’. She writes spiritual self-help books that help readers shift their perceptions from fear to love. In her talks she shares authentic guidance and lessons gleaned from her own life experiences; she’s been at rock bottom and worked her way out through a healing mix of self-love, yoga and spiritualism.
I was brought up in a spiritual home. My mother was a meditator and she taught me her practice . Even as a child I believed in a power greater than myself. As I grew up I began to rely on that higher power more and more. Today I put my spiritual practice before everything. As long as I’m grounded in my faith I trust that the universe has my back!
I hit rock bottom at the age of 25. At the time I was running a PR business in New York City, representing nightclubs and restaurants. I thought I had it all: the big career, the fancy clothes and access to the hottest clubs. But no matter how exciting my life looked on the outside, on the inside I was emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. My addictive behaviour took over my life and in time I had a severe drug problem, workaholism and debilitating codependency. I intuitively knew there was much, much more, but I struggled to clean up my act.
In the very early hours of October 2, 2005, I prayed for a solution. I said, “God, Universe, whoever is out there, I need a miracle.” I woke up later that morning and I heard an inner voice say, “Get clean, girl, and you’ll live a life beyond your wildest dreams.” Thankfully, I was willing to hear this voice and I listened. Since that day, I’ve been sober and on a steadfast journey inward. My sobriety and spiritual practice have become the most important parts of my life, and I am committed to growing my faith each day. I owe all of my career, love, health, happiness and success to my sober recovery.
Early in my recovery I started leading talks on what I was experiencing. I hosted live events in community centres, at women’s conferences and anywhere I could get my hands on a microphone. I often think fondly about those early days – I was at the forefront of a new movement of women seeking spirituality over the next pair of shoes. The fundamental sensibilities at the core of my beliefs can best be described by quoting my late teacher and friend Dr Wayne Dyer: “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.”
Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness. I fell in love with it from the moment I stepped on the mat. Given the chaotic circumstances of our times we need these practices more than ever. In my new book Judgement Detox, I share some of my favourite kundalini meditations.
I wrote my first book in 2009 and I’ve been writing a new one every 18 months since that time. In my new book I guide readers through an authentic audit of their feelings, by asking “How has judgement (of yourself or others) affected your life negatively?” and “What are some times when you’ve felt powerless over your judgemental behaviour?” After reading the book petty resentments will disappear, compassion will replace attack, the energy of resistance will transform into freedom and you’ll feel peace and happiness.
Once you begin to feel better you start to release your resistance to love. The more you practice the steps, the more love enters into your consciousness and into your energetic vibration. When you’re in harmony with love you receive more of what you want. Your energy attracts its likeness. So when you shift your energy from defensive judgement to free-flowing love your life gets awesome. You’ll attract exactly what you need, your relationships will heal, your health will improve and you’ll feel safer and more secure.
As a spiritual activist I believe that my greatest contribution to the world is to help people reconnect to the power of love. When we make this shift on an individual level we begin to vibrate at a new frequency. And as more and more people vibrate love, the vibrations of hate and judgement weaken. One person’s energetic shift can create a ripple effect across the globe.
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