Learn how to tune into your body’s natural energy frequency and you may be able to restore balance, says Lynn Jackson
Phrases like, ‘raise your vibration’ or ‘I’m getting good vibes’ might sound like flower power throwbacks from the 1960s but, thanks to scientific developments, the idea of vibrational therapy is starting to become cool again.
Vibrational frequencies play an extremely important role in our lives. Every single atom is tuned to a specific vibration which can be measured. This includes the organs and cells in our body, the food we eat, our electronic devices and our environment; even our thoughts create an energetic vibration.
While the ability to measure these frequencies is a relatively modern development, vibrational healing is nothing new. Ancient Indian texts accurately describe the human energy anatomy, with diagrams showing the location of the main energy centres and details of how imbalances may affect the physical, mental and emotional state of the person.
Vibrations are, of course, invisible, but we intuitively know when our vibration is high – life flows and we feel positive, compassionate and enthusiastic. When something unpleasant happens, such as an accident, a row at work or a relationship break-up, the frequency drops and our life is apt to shift out of gear.
Whenever this happens, it is important to restore equilibrium by balancing the energetic frequencies within the body. Here, we look at six ways of effectively raising your vibration to bring harmony, health and balance into your life.
1. Energy work
Also known as healing, this is arguably the ultimate vibrational reset, with a highly individualised, targeted treatment. The healer or therapist acts as a power source to emit highfrequency, vital life-force energy through their hands straight into the client’s aura (the electro-magnetic vibrational charge around the body).
Part of the intense interest in the field of vibrational medicine is the knowledge that disharmony shows up in the energy field before it becomes a problem in the body. This means that if imbalances can be detected while still in the energy field, disease can theoretically be avoided altogether, and an experienced healer is able to hone, direct, and regulate the energies accordingly.
For minor imbalances, however, it is perfectly possible to heal our own body. Energy flows where attention goes; clearly envisage the desired outcome, place your hand upon any area of pain, tension or discomfort and imagine light and feel-good energy flooding the affected area.
2. Crystal healing
Crystals aren’t just beautiful objects; they are actually a living and evolving form of solidified vibrational energy that many believe resonate extremely well with the crystalline structures within our own body.
Just as magnets use energy to attract or repel, crystals use energy in the same way, transforming, vibrating, pulsing, moving and shifting it in accordance with their innate properties and energetic signature.
Crystals can be used to heal a variety of physical and emotional conditions, but it is important to match the right one with the task at hand. Crystals can be programmed, but this is a job for the professionals, and it is often worth entrusting any deep healing work to an experienced practitioner. Crystals can be placed on or around the body for deep healing, or in the home to energise the space. Crystals such as Hematite, Selenite, Shungite or Black Tourmaline can absorb and remove certain types of energy, while clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sunstone and Apophyllite can conduct new energy into your body, mind, spirit or environment. Use Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Sodalite or Black Kyanite to balance misaligned energies, remove negativity and imbue life-enhancing vibrations.
3. Essential oils
The essential oils in a plant, serve the same function as blood in the human body. Their complex chemical constituents cleanse, protect, oxygenate, nourish, and offer many therapeutic benefits such as anti-parasitic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It’s therefore no surprise that they have been used for thousands of years to treat physical and emotional ailments.
Megahertz tests revel that the higher the frequency, the more life force an object contains. More life force means better health and, according to research, the vibrational frequencies of essential oils are the highest of any known natural substance, influencing emotions and affecting structural and physical change. A very simple way of harnessing their sweet-smelling power is to put a few drops into your bath or onto your sponge before showering to luxuriate in nature’s very potent form of pharmacology.
Rose is top of the pops in terms of vibration, helping to boost self-esteem, confidence, libido and mental strength while fighting negativity. Jasmine improves mood, alleviates stress and balances hormones and Neroli can relieve insomnia and is useful for stress-related depression. Sandalwood, meanwhile, is relaxing and calming, enhances mental clarity, acts as a natural aphrodisiac and is a powerful antioxidant and anti-ager.
4. Vibrational essences
Unlike essential oils, which are made from the physical substance of the plant, vibrational essences are the energetic blueprint or source signature of the material substance. These essences therefore work on multi-dimensional levels of vibration; the best-known vibrational essence is undoubtedly Bach Rescue Remedy.
Vibrational essences are typically made from flowers, crystals or herbs steeped in water, with sunlight used as the alchemical catalyser. They may be taken sublingually, applied to the soles of the feet or wrists, added to a bath, or diluted with purified water and spritzed to raise the vibration and aid healing.
5. Sound healing
Sound moves in waves through the air and affects the autonomic (subconscious) nervous system in a variety of ways depending upon the vibrational energy of the sound. Some sounds, for example, the rhythmic ebb and flow of the ocean, can be used to produce deep relaxation and a meditative state known as ASC (altered state of consciousness). Gongs and Tibetan and crystal bowls emit specific vibrational frequencies, and are used by sound therapists to influence brainwave activity and trigger the innate healing processes of the body’s parasympathetic nervous system in a prescriptive way. Similarly, tuning fork therapy uses calibrated tuning forks to apply specific vibrations to certain points on the body, releasing tension and opening the energy channels to bring emotional balance and pain relief.
6. Tension and trauma release exercises (TRE)
TRE is a physical vibrational therapy that is primarily used to heal chronic stress. It comprises a series of exercises, which are used to activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating to help the body release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Animals employ a tremor-like shaking mechanism to quickly calm down the nervous system, and a similar process is also part of our human natural behaviour, but we have culturally learned how to suppress it because shaking has long been perceived as a sign of weakness.
TRE (which must initially be taught by a certified provider to ensure that the tremor mechanism is intentional and correctly controlled) allows stress to release without any need to talk about the traumatic experience, and the process can release emotions ranging from mild upset, to severe anxiety. Everyone is different, so try a few different methods and see how you feel. You’ll know your vibration is rising because you’ll feel more confident, calm, joyful and kind.
Lynn Jackson is a vibrational energy healer and retreats guru – for more information visit lynnjackson.co.uk & bespoke-retreats.co.uk
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