Hands up if you’ve ever flipped to the horoscopes page in a magazine to see what’s in store for you, or asked a potential new partner what star sign they are in the hope of discovering compatibility. Whether or not you believe the position of the planets has any bearing on our fate, there’s no doubt it’s tantalising and, actually, often spookily accurate. So, when I was invited to have a moon reading with Bex Milford from @cosmic_cures (cosmiccures.co.uk ) I was super intrigued.
A moon reading is similar to a horoscope, in that it looks at the position of certain planets at your time of birth. However, where your sun sign (or zodiac sign) dictates your purpose in life, ego or outer-self, your moon sign represents your emotions and inner mood.
“Our moon sign shows our hidden, most private parts that aren’t immediately obvious to others,” says Bex. “These are the traits that come naturally to us, that we often fall back on. It’s where we retreat to and find a sanctuary or seek nurture in. It also indicates how we act under stress and pressure, and how we can self-soothe.”
I know I’m a bit of a worrier, I tend to overthink things, and can go into hyperdrive when I’m under pressure, which can feel quite tiring. I wonder if Bex will discover this about me from my moon sign, or perhaps even uncover some things I didn’t know about myself.
The reading
I sit across the table from Bex and in front of us are a beautiful array of crystals, which will form part of our reading. Bex asks me to choose which ones I’m most attracted to. “We use crystals to align our chakras [energy ‘wheels’ in us that are constantly turning]. The crystals are like tuning forks that help unblock or harmonise any stagnant or overactive energy,” she says. So, my chakras will help guide me towards choosing the crystals they know will help them the most. I pick out a lovely dusky pink stone (rhodonite) and a bright orange glassy stone (amber). I will find out what these mean later. I love this already!
With a few details like my birth date and time, Bex looks up my birth chart, which tells her my moon sign is in Gemini – which is the sign of the flighty, curious twins. This side of me needs to have all the information it can get in order to feel soothed. “When you feel stressed or anxious, it’s good to talk it out – find a friend to confide in, or seek more answers so you can self-soothe by gaining clarity from the situation,” Bex tells me. “You may also find that when you feel stressed your natural fallback is to ask questions, try and sort through the problem in your head, make lists or consult Google.”
This is completely spot on. I’m renowned amongst all my friends for the sheer volume of questions I ask, especially of people I have just met. Knowledge comforts me, and when it comes to making a decision, I always seek help from those I trust (not that I won’t still agonise over all the conflicting advice). And, let’s not even get started on my Google history.
But, Bex warns, there’s a shadow side of having my moon in Gemini – and here’s where it gets spooky. She tells me: “You can get completely stuck in your head, going over the same issue again and again, spiralling and building in anxiety until it’s not so much the problem itself that’s the issue, but a pervading feeling of fear you’ve created.” I’m nodding like a plastic dog in a car’s rear window. So how can knowing my moon sign help me overcome this shadow side?
“It’s important to siphon some of these thought waves onto paper,” Bex advises, “so journaling is a wonderful tool for you. Also, make sure that when you ask advice you actually listen, rather than nod then head straight on to the next person for another perspective.” (Busted. How does she know?)
Crystal magic
The crystals I chose can help us glean a bit more detail about what’s going on with me right now. The rhodonite helps to align anahata chakra (the heart chakra). “Rhodonite helps us when we are dealing with a heavy heart and need to show ourselves some compassion,” Bex says. “It helps us move forward with a belief that love will show us the way.”
The amber I chose, on the other hand, is wonderful for balancing the solar plexus chakra, aka manipura chakra – the source of our power. “It is concerned with our personal power, our willpower and our power in the world,” says Bex. “It is the seat of our ambitions, representing energy, momentum and drive. Our ability to pursue and achieve our dreams is stored here. It also influences our perceptions surrounding self-image and social status. It is associated with intellectual abilities, mental clarity and, at its higher level, our wisdom. So when you feel a draw towards amber, it may be that you are lacking some of these elements in your life.” I’m thinking about my long-held dream of writing a novel someday, and wondering if my chakras are urging me to pick up my pen again…
I have to admit, I went into it for a bit of fun, but tuning into the deeper side of my emotions and what drives me was insightful. I’d definitely recommend a moon reading to anyone unsure of their next step or what they need from their life next. Who knows what you might discover…
Find your own moon sign
Your moon sign is determined by calculating your full date, place and time of birth and your position around the moon. It moves quickly around the zodiac, visiting each sign for around two to two and a half days. You can calculate yours here: lunarium.co.uk/calculators/moonsign . Or contact bex@cosmiccures.co.uk (@cosmic_ cures) for your own moon reading.
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