There are times during our lives when things inevitably crank up a notch. Whether it’s a busy work schedule, hectic family life or looking after our health, it can leave us with little breathing room for anything else. This ebb and flow is a natural part of life, but to preserve your energy, it’s important to strive to live a balanced lifestyle that respects all the areas that command your attention, and ensure that each part receives the consideration it deserves.
Roo Davies, The Mojo Coach ( ) highly recommends The Wheel of Life to help you improve your life balance. “The Wheel of Life is divided into eight equal segments (physical environment, career, family and friends, romance, recreation, health, money and personal growth) that represent different areas in your life with a rating scale of zero to 10,” says Roo. Looking at life from a bird’s-eye view allows you the rare opportunity to gain insight and identify certain areas in your life that may need improvement. “Without this tool, people can find it challenging as they’re confused and don’t have the clarity around what they want to achieve,” Roo adds.
When you consider each segment of the wheel, Roo suggests asking yourself the following questions: How do you feel about your life? Have you tried to address any of this before? What would a score of 10 look like for you? What area do you think needs prioritising? Once you’ve completed your Wheel of Life and honestly identified the scores for each category, you’ll be left with a diagram with a mosaic-like wheel appearance or something like a spider web. To truly reflect on what you’ve completed, ask yourself: Why do you currently have a low or high score in a particular category? Which categories have the largest gaps between their current position and your ideal score? What can you do in order to move the category score from its current position to where you would ideally like it to be? Which categories on your Wheel of Life are the most important to you? Which categories are currently having the biggest impact on your life? Are there categories that you would like to dedicate more or less attention to? Carefully examining the different areas of your life can encourage you to set goals, move forwards and ultimately boost your confidence.
Building a happy, meaningful lifestyle is certainly easier said than done. Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand. But, used in the right way, The Wheel of Life is a wonderful exercise and tool for helping you create more balance or added success in your life, so you can be present and engaged at every moment