This month Natural Health’s wellbeing expert on spreading your wings and flying high.
This month Natural Health’s wellbeing expert on spreading your wings and flying high.
I love watching the birds in my garden. I wouldn’t say I’m a full-on twitcher, but I do enjoy looking at the various species and watching their antics. They all have very different personalities just like we do, from the cocky robin to the playful starlings and, my favourite, the pied wagtail who has a naturally inquisitive nature! Birds have always fascinated people throughout history. Perhaps it’s because they have wings, and they can do something we can’t: fly. But although we can’t physically fly by flapping our arms, we can soar above the clouds in other ways. This month, make it your mission to fly higher than you’ve ever done before. Aim for what you want, big or small, and see if you can touch the stars!
Feathered charms
Birds symbolise many things including freedom of spirit and the ability to achieve your dreams. Make your own bird charm to increase your chances of success in all areas of life. You can collect feathers, decorate them with ribbons and tie them together. Hang this above your bed to encourage uplifting dreams and also psychic messages whilst you sleep. Alternatively collect pictures of birds and place them around yourhome. You can also paint or draw winged shapes on stones, and keep in your handbag to remind you to soar high andgo for your dreams!
Bird power
If you find yourself in a stressful situation, try this. Turn your attention to your shoulders. Roll them back a couple of times until your shoulder blades feel relaxed. Now imagine wings sprouting from each one. Feel them unfurl naturally. As the wings extend you are lifted into the air, hovering above the situation. Look down and see how small it is, how it is only part of a much bigger picture. Breathe deeply, return to the ground and smile. Just taking those few minutes out to rise above the situation will help you calm down, and clear your head.
Manifest more agility!
Agility in life isn’t just about being super-fit and bendy, although that certainly helps you squeeze out of tight situations! It’s about being alert, nimble and quick and being able to seize opportunities when they present themselves. Here’s how to improve your spiritual agility!
Expand your awareness. As you go about your daily business see your eyes as windows to the world. They are like a cinema screen and you are in the audience watching events unfold. Be aware that you live within your physical form but that it doesn’t contain you. You can stretch out of it at any time by using all your senses. So be mindful of your feelings and emotions as these are the key to intuitive messages.
Enliven your senses with eucalyptus essential oil. Add a couple of drops to a bowl of hot water and inhale. Or add to bath water and breathe deeply. Imagine the scent clearing your head.
Stretch regularly. Stand as tall as you can and imagine you are trying to reach the stars. Focus on a point above your head and imagine that your dreams are suspended there. Try to touch them. Stretch your neck by twisting your head gently from left to right and up and down again.
Mind mantra
Think about the butterfly for a second; often seen as a symbol of transformation and reflection. Close your eyes and imagine you are swathed in cotton wool, protected from the world. Now focus on your chest and imagine a small butterfly slowly stretching its wings inside.Feel the butterfly fill your chest and start to flutter. Now imagine it flying free from your chest, travelling up into the sky and taking with it all your wishes. Think for a moment about your heart’s desire, and say: “I set you free, so you can be my new reality!”
Article by
Kirsten Riddle
Article by
Kirsten Riddle