Feeling broody? Then why not tap into the fertile energy of spring, with some holistic rituals to boost your baby-making power says Kirsten Riddle.
Feeling broody? Then why not tap into the fertile energy of spring, with some holistic rituals to boost your baby-making power says Kirsten Riddle.
It’s that time of year when the land is abundant with new growth. Baby birds and animals surround us, and we can’t help but feel a warm, fuzzy glow inside. So it makes sense that we might be thinking about our own fertility and how we can improve our chances of conception. It might seem in the hands of fate and mother nature, but there are lots of holistic tools at your fingertips that can be used to boostnatural fertility. It’s all about getting into the right frame of mind, making body and soul baby fit, and believing in your personal power to create new life. Here’s how!
The fear factor
The first thing you need to do if you want a baby is to connect to your feminine power, the energy deep within that links you to the earth. You need to stimulate your nurturing ability and prepare your body spiritually as well as physically.
We often make the mistake of thinking only about the physical, about eating the right things, and taking supplements. Although this goes a long way to improving your chances, it’s only half the story. You need to think about spiritual health too. Often we think we want something, but deep down we are afraid. This fear can turn into a physical barrier that stops us achieving our goal. Having a baby is a lifechanging event. The key is to embrace any fear you have and turn it into positive energy.
These tips will help you break through the fear barrier and move forward:
Don’t sweep it under the carpet – talk about it, to friends and other new mums. You will soon realise that you are not alone in how you feel.
Repeat this mantra every morning and night: “I embrace my fear. I step forward into a new future with courage and confidence that I can deal with anything.”
Visualise yourself as a mother. See yourself with your baby, happy and healthy and enjoying the experience.
At the end of every day, purge yourself of any fears or doubts. See them spilling into a pile of soil on the earth. Now imagine them being absorbed into the ground where they are transformed into positive energy. Watch as a green shoot appears to burst through the soil and grow into a sapling and then a tree.
Mother earth
Trigger the nurturing energies within by connecting to mother earth with this simple ritual.
Find some time and space to be on your own. Burn geranium-scented oil to balance your emotions. Sit with your feet hip-width apart and your shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting in a meadow surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Take a moment to enjoy these sensations. Now look down at your dress and see that it is green like the meadow and covered in flowers. See it spread out nd become a part of the earth that supports you. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, imagine you are scattering nurturing energy on the land. Watch as small shoots and flowers spring up around you. Enjoy these feelings of creation and know that you are connected to the earth. When you are ready, open your eyes and take a few moments to concentrate on your breathing. Repeat this ritual once a week. It will calm and balance your hormones and help you tap into the positive energy of creation and new life.
Nature’s baby-boosting larder
Give yourself a helping hand, by using some of nature’s gifts to encourage conception
Seeds and pulses
In magic and folklore any food with seeds or pulses is great for boosting fertility, the idea being that the seeds relate to new life. This is not such a strange idea, as most foods that produce seeds or pulses are grown from the earth, and are full of nutrients,rather than mass produced and synthetic. Here are some of the best:
Sunflower seeds
Linked to the sun and the sun’s powerful energies for new growth, sunflower seeds are also packed with nutrients. Use the power of the seeds in your diet daily. Sprinkle them in soups and on salads or nibble as a snack between meals.
Pumpkin seeds
These amazing seeds have a positive effect on fertility, libido and sexual energy. This is because they contain the three crucial ingredients of phosphorous, magnesium and zinc. These work together to improve sexual performance and the ability to conceive. Eat a handful daily before every meal or sprinkle on breakfast cereals and salads.
Lentils and pulses are great for energy. Again the size and shape means they’re linked to new growth and vitality. Red lentils in particular are associated with passion, love and fertility. Soak and use in a lovely warming soup when you need a pick-me-up.
Nuts and fruits
One of nature’s superfoods. Pomegranates have so many wonderful properties that they should be a staple in everyone’s diet, but especially if you’re trying to get pregnant. They contain more antioxidants than any other natural food.They are also packed full of vitamin C, vitamin A and iron. Recent studies show that this superfruit raises libido in both sexes, and in folklore it was linked to fertility and conception. Eat the seeds or drink the juice daily for maximum effect.
Often associated with fertility magic, bananas were thought to work particularly well with men, raising their libido. It was suggested that they should eat the fruit, and also rub the skin on their flesh!
Brazil nuts
These tasty nuts contain very high levels of selenium which can significantly improve male and female fertility. Eating just a couple every day can boost your selenium levels and nhance general health and fitness. In magic they’re linked to love and fertility.
Try this…
Pregnacare Conception 30 tablets, £10.15, from vitabiotics.com
These tablets are specifically designed to support the nutritional requirements of women who are trying to conceive. The formula includes inositol, l-arginine, n-acetyl and selenium, plus the recommended 400mcg of folic acid.
Baby altar
This might sound slightly hocus pocus, but creating a baby altar in your home is a good way of making your intentions clear.
Doing something practical and positive reaffirms your beliefs, gives you a sense of purpose and sends an important message to the universe.
All you need is a small space like a coffee table, or a shelf. Pick somewhere clear of clutter and in full view, so that every time you see it you are reminded of your goal.
Place pictures of yourself and your partner on the altar. This represents your commitment to each other and wanting a family. Decorate with fresh flowers and plants to encourage new growth. Crystals and stones from your garden are also a good choice as they get stagnant energy moving and make that crucial connection to the earth.
Make up a fertility box to put on the altar. Fill it with inspirational phrases, quotes and poems. Write down your hopes and dreams and place these in the box. You might also want to include pictures of babies and children and any keepsakes or personal mementos of your love. Make a point of adding to the box on a weekly basis. This keeps the energy flowing and will keep you in a positive frame of mind.
Aura therapy
Spiritually the aura is an energy field, which travels around our physical body. If the aura is blocked, then the energy cannot move, and that’s when physical problems occur. Stress and fear can interfere with the smooth running of the aura, so it’s best to try and keep these to a minimum when you want your body to work for you. Make a point of cleansing your aura every day, and pay particular attention to your base chakra which is directly related to fertility.
Sage advice
Sage is an excellent herb for all-round cleansing and purification, so steep some chopped fresh sage in hot water then strain the liquid into a bowl. Stand in the shower and pour the sage-scented elixir over your head. As you do this, imagine a silver stream of light hitting the top of your head and travelling around your body. Feel it sweeping through your aura, cleansing it and helping any stagnant energy to flow. Pay particular attention to any areas of your body that feel sluggish. An energy blockage at any point in your aura could affect how you think and feel and create a barrier to conception. Turn on the shower and continue to imagine the flow of energy speeding around your body. You might experience tingling sensations as things start to move. When you are ready, take a moment to visualise a golden light running around your body. See it also pass through the top of your head and travel down your spine until it reaches the groin area. Feel the warmth inside and out as your aura is cleansed and ready for action!
Fertility stones
Crystals and stones can help to balance the emotions and achieve harmony on a physical and spiritual level to aid conception. Here are some of the best:
Green Aventurine
This lovely green stone calms the mind, eases stress and encourages peace of mind. It’s also linked to the cycle of life. Wear it or hold it when you feel worried. It will help you develop patience and stability.
Rose Quartz
Linked to love and fertility, this stone has a warm, soothing energy. It will help you feel grounded and secure. It promotes positive energy and a general sense of wellbeing which is the ideal starting point for those wanting to conceive. Wear close to the heart or spend a few minutes meditating with the stone in your left hand when you feel in need of a lift.
This cleansing stone encourages the flow of blood around the body. It prevents blockages of any kind and will help with general fertility and fitness. Lay down and place the stone on the womb area just above the groin. As you do this, imagine feelings of warmth radiating from the stone into your body. Relax and enjoy the feeling of positive energy filling you up.
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