Have you ever stopped and though about how amazing our skin is? This month I want to celebrate this amazing organ, our bodies’ largest, and give it the recognition it deserves.
Have you ever stopped and though about how amazing our skin is? This month I want to celebrate this amazing organ, our bodies’ largest, and give it the recognition it deserves.
Our skin is our own protective barrier. It keeps us warm, and it keeps us cool, regulating our temperature as and when we need it. Our hair follicles grow through it; we sweat through it; it’s the base of all our nerve endings; it covers our bones and muscles, and it’s also a barrier to ensure that we retain essential nutrients.
The water and lipids we need to function are stored in the skin, and the skin can also help the synthesis of vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Some say the eyes are the window to the soul, but I think our skin is a great way to look closely at diet, nutrition and our overall wellness.
Fast track to health
I always like to remind people I meet that what goes on to your skin goes straight into your bloodstream. If you don’t believe me then just think how hormone cream and nicotine patches work, or even how some medicines are administered through the skin, and how quickly they are absorbed!
I really love oils, and by that I mean oils which can be digested both orally in your diet such as olive oil, hemp, flax seed, and coconut oil, and also as part of a daily beauty routine going straight on to the skin.
Oils in beauty
In previous years there has been a bit of a misconception about oils in beauty routines; with them being deemed too sticky, and not easily absorbed, but I’m really glad that I’ve been part of a movement which has helped change this, highlighting that oils can, and should be used daily. They have wonderful properties which include helping collagen formation, essential fatty acids, and boosting your skin’s lipid content too. Oils don’t need to be sticky on application if they are formulated the right way, especially when applied the right way too, and with an oil-based product a little goes a long way, so this is a kind investment for your skin as well as being easy on the purse too.
Top buys
Some of my favourite oils to look out for are:
Apricot kernel oil
Light and easily-absorbed, this oil acts well as a barrier against moisture loss. Good for those with dry or sensitive skin.
Arctic bilberry seed oil
Extracted from arctic bilberries, these oils are rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
Evening primrose oil
Hydrating and replenishing, this oil is great for restoring suppleness and elasticity. It helps encourage collagen formation, and can reduce skin inflammation too.
Jojoba oil
A soothing oil which can boost skin lipid content and improve skin barrier function against moisture loss. It closely resembles the skin’s own sebum and it great for all skin types.
Rosehip seed oil
Packed full of vitamins, this oil is known for its healing properties. Rich in essential fatty acids it can also help regenerate cells. Olive oil Good enough to eat and good enough to go on your skin too.
Olive oil
Good enough to eat and good enough to go on your skin too.
Article by
Jo Wood
Healthy and Organic Living Guru
is a healthy and organic living guru and creator of her own natural beauty range
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Article by
Jo Wood
Healthy and Organic Living Guru
is a healthy and organic living guru and creator of her own natural beauty range
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