Food Matters is a remarkable documentary which everyone needs to watch, says Natural Health’s green guru
Food Matters is a remarkable documentary which everyone needs to watch, says Natural Health’s green guru
Are we being kept sick by a money-driven industry that doesn’t want us to get well? Sounds far-fetched, but the more I find out, the more I think it might be the case. I’ve been lucky enough to just spend a month in Australia visiting my daughter Leah and her family. It was just wonderful as I hadn’t seen Leah, her husband Jack and my beautiful grand-daughter Maggie for just over a year. Leah and her family live such a holistic lifestyle in Sydney, which is very much reflective of the lifestyle and climate over there, and I love to see how my organic values and eco beliefs have rubbed off on them too. Maggie is going to be three this year, and is already just so inquisitive about food.
We headed up to Byron Bay for a few days, with my son Tyrone and his friend Ben also in tow. Byron Bay is fantastic! The community has all joined together and they have managed to enforce a ban on fast food restaurants and chains up there, and every other shop is an organic cafe, restaurant or health food shop. As you can imagine I was in holistic heaven being totally inspired and overwhelmed . Overwhelmed as to why we can’t also do this in the UK too; where’s that British community spirit when we need it the most? Let’s ban those fast food joints! Ben caught an illness while we were there, and we all proceeded to get sick as our immune systems were a little run down after a good dose of new year partying Aussie-style. Ben was prescribed antibiotics by the local doctor, but you know me, I set out to find the alternative route. After all I was in the perfect place!
Gee, one of the guys that ran the hotel we were staying at heard we were sick, and promptly gave me a DVD to watch, called Food Matters (£9.75, Eighty minutes later I was out the doors in a flash, and stocking up on as much vitamin C as I could possibly find! It is a brilliant documentary, totally my cup of tea and to quote Hippocrates ‘Let thy food be thy medicine.’ I was hooked; hook, line and sinker!
The sickness industry
Food Matters is an independent documentary which explores the trillion dollar ‘sickness industry’. It is the hard work of nutritioniststurned- filmmakers James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch who set out to uncover why, when billions of dollars are continually being invested in funding and research each year for the latest so-called cures, are we all still getting so sick? What exactly is it that we are doing so wrong? The documentary interviews a number of leading medical experts who share their first-hand experience in what we should be doing differently, and how by being informed about the choices available to us all, especially where it comes to our nutrition, we can continue to lead a healthy life.
Article by
Jo Wood
Healthy and Organic Living Guru
is a healthy and organic living guru and creator of her own natural beauty range
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Article by
Jo Wood
Healthy and Organic Living Guru
is a healthy and organic living guru and creator of her own natural beauty range
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